Postnatal Massage: Well-Deserved Relaxation for New Moms

Happy birthday with your new born! Remember you can only take care of your baby when you take care of yourself first.
As a mum of 2 myself I can relate to how exhausting these first weeks of new motherhood can be. All I wanted was to sleep and recover from the birth, but my baby boy was hungry and needed breastfeeding. I felt overwhelmed by new, confusing feelings of pure happiness and at the same time anxiety, the “Baby Blues”. Meanwhile your body has to adapt to the many changes and this was not resolved in one week. Believe me, it will go away and you have to give it time and meanwhile love and take care of your baby and nurture yourself because you can only take care of your baby when you take care of yourself first.
All those 9 months you were pregnant, your body spent time creating a new life and overnight you were presented with a new baby. This is the optimum time when the body requires support to adjust and unwind the 9 months of pregnancy.
At Adeo Massage Pregnancy & More our aim is to enhance the mother’s physical and emotional wellbeing during this time through a variety of methods, again with massage as the central focus. Postnatal massage in the first weeks after giving birth is a wonderful time for the mother to recharge, readjust the mind and body to motherhood. New Mums need time to relax and reduce any pain or discomforts onset in pregnancy and labour; what better way to achieve this than with a nurturing massage?
Postnatal Massage Benefits:
- Greater vitality and less fatigue for mothers
- Helps soothe nervous tension resulting in improved sleep
- Reduces baby blues and the sense of anxiety and stress
- Regains strength and eases muscle tension
- Relieves the breast-feeding posture by relaxing the neck and shoulders
- Reduces swelling
- Strengthens and tones abdominal muscles
I would love to see the new babies in my studio as they sleep peacefully while Mum gets her massage. You can book your appointment in the studio or arrange a home visit.
Please note; If you have given birth by caesarean section, I can massage you after you have had a check-up with your gynaecologist. This is usually around 6 weeks after giving birth and by then your scar will be well healed and dry, and a good time to treat yourself to postnatal treatment.
Price €70 (60 minutes in studio)
Price €95 (60 minutes in your own home)